We're pleased to be able to welcome our members back to free training sessions again and we know some of you are overjoyed - but for new members or those who've never used this perk of your membership, here's a quick breakdown:
Free training refers to your own self motivated workouts - when there's no coach or member of staff directing you, as opposed to personal training or PT sessions are taught by your coach and arranged with them.
You have access to the KO area as part of your membership, during any open hours when there is not a class scheduled to take place. It's really important that you check the timetables before turning up to train, as you WILL be sent away if there is a class running. Please be especially conscious of not interrupting junior classes - if you arrive and there is a class running, leave quietly.
There may be PT sessions running when no classes are on, and it's fine to continue your free training in this case - observing social distance rules between you and other gym users at all times. Please be conscious that your coach may be in the room, but unless you are their client at that moment, they are not there to observe or provide feedback to you. That's what the classes and PT sessions are for.
What format should your training take? Anything that you like! We suggest going with a few set aims, or even a single focus - work on something that your coach pointed out or corrected recently, improve your cardio or core strength, or improve your footwork - whatever you want to improve, go for it.
Warming up can easily be done by skipping, shadow boxing, running laps, or repeating a class warmup routine that you remember, and stretching at the end of your session can be very beneficial to reduce soreness and improve flexibility.
If you use any equipment during your training - be it a bag, agility ladder, or medicine ball - please tidy it away at the end of your training, and wipe down with the cleaning products provided in the white wire racks by the entrance.
Lastly, please do not bring juniors or non members into the gym during free training periods, and please refrain from sparring, even with someone from your own household or contact bubble. Failure to respect these last rules can result in your membership being suspended.
